Monday, January 14, 2013

Blond Asians

No matter how often I see it, I will never get accustomed to groups of Asian guys with bleached blond hair. 

First of all, I think that any person with bleached hair can look strange, especially if their eyebrows are still their natural color.  Secondly, as a person whose entire extended family consists of mostly Asian, Hispanic/Latino, or some combination thereof heritage, the blond Asian looks like an alien hybrid of some kind.  Which is really saying something since I myself am a hybrid Asian/Caucasian. 

I understand in an academic sense why someone who might live in a fairly physically homogeneous society might want to break the mold and try new and interesting things with their physical appearance.  In fact, bravo!  You break that mold!  You challenge that stereotype!  Just understand that I’m still going to think you look weird.

I’m back in school for the first time in years (with a ridiculous goal of earning a Master’s degree).  Now that I’m back to student-hood, I have realized that I have not been around large groups of people on a regular basis other than when jammed onto public transit.  Now that I’m back, though, I have noticed a LOT more dark-haired people sporting crazy bright blond hair and naturally darks brows (and not all of them are Asian).  Is this a new college-aged fad?  Is this what some people call “fashion?”  If either is the case, you have no idea how incredibly grateful I am that I have less fashion sense than a demented gerbil.

It isn’t like I am about to be the next guest on What Not To Wear, but come ON, people!  When there is a fad or fashion that is so silly that even I, of all people, notice it?  That’s as sure a sign of insanity if ever I knew one.  So for any of you out there who are mad stylin’ the bleached blond hair with bushy brown/black/dark eyebrows, you have been duly informed of my vitally important opinion on your hare-brained tresses. 

(See what I did there? Hare-brained?  Yeah, you see, it's funny because it's a play on words.)

1 comment:

  1. Your reverse psychology will not get me to bleach my beard!
