Wednesday, January 23, 2013


This is something that happened back around New Year's.  I wrote it and then forgot about it until this morning.  Enjoy!

Holy crap.  I just had the most random and most awkward chat. I used to be acquaintances with a guy named Joseph*.  In elementary school he freaked me out a little (of course, that isn’t saying much since I was incredibly shy and was weirded out by most people) and after elementary school he just got really quiet and shy.  Not a bad guy, but not someone that I ever spent any time with outside of band class.   

Anyhow, he randomly caught me on facebook chat and asked how I've been since we haven't talked or anything in ages.  Normally I think it’s interesting to hear from people I knew back home, but I also typically only hear from people that I actually spent time with.

He asked how I was and if I was working and then told me that he is working for a utilities company.  This whole time I'm thinking to myself, "Why the heck is he even talking to me?" Then he drops this on me: "there were some times were I really thought that we might end up dating. and i always wonder, did you ever think about that too?"


I just stared at the screen, totally uncomprehending.  I almost looked around for a hidden camera somewhere in my room, no joke.

I told him that no, I never really thought about dating him in high school, but that I also didn't consider dating until senior year and that was only because I wanted to do group dates with people. Here's pretty much how the rest of the conversation went: 

Him: well I always liked you but I never knew if you really ever gave a shit about me...
Me: I thought you were nice, but never really thought about you in a romantic way. I guess I was ambivalent? Although, to be fair, I was ambivalent about most people
Himwell sometimes i thought you might like me but i also had my parents putting a "little" bit of pressure on me since my mom is 1/2 Filipino and my dad is totally white and maybe they thought there was something about that. but i liked you despite any of those "factors".

Seriously. What. The. Hell. Just. Happened.

I have no idea how to feel about this or even if I SHOULD be feeling anything. It's just so...........weird.  Totally. Weird.

The conversation continued thusly:

Himyeah, real rarity, did you know my parent thought you like me in middle school band because you would alway say hi, i really didn't klnow what you would think but  i alway thought you were a great girl
MeHaha.  I'm flattered
I think I was too oblivious for most of my teenage years to really have crushes on anyone
Himwell your dad is a white guy liked an asian girl they thought i would be the same, whats funny is i end up attracted to a girl who has a good vocabulary and cant construct a fluid sentence
and what i mean is i think you would have fit the bill. sorry i wasnt mature enough to ask you out...
Me: Thanks
So are you dating someone then?
Him: no, if you want to come back and be my girlfiend i would be excited
Me: Sorry, but I love living in S_______.
Him: haha|! i know, i spent a long time wanting to get out of here, but i just couldnt find a job i could make a true living of until now
on the old time subject im wondering, didn't you like me too back in high school? I was sure we had something going on back then...
Me: Honestly, I didn't really have many crushes in high school.  I think that I had one until sophomore year on Jeremy* and then I just focused on getting into college and moving out of there
Him: lol, i had a laser beam on B______ after college because i had alot of friends at GU who grew up in B______ and knew people in S________
Me: Yeah, I'm planning on staying here for at least another two years
Then maybe moving again
Possibly to Europe with my friend Chris
Him: is chris your boyfiriend?
Me: No, just a good friend who lives in London
Him: sorry, maybe that was jealous me, i guess if i wanted to date you i really should have tried in high school,
Me: *shrug* Hey, if it was meant to be, it would have happened
So what brought this on, anyway?  It seems pretty out of the blue
Him: I do really like intelligent girls and I've known you long enough to tell your not stupid and certainly very smart
i guess I just needed to reconnect with someone who I havent seen in a very long while, its probably good i just let this whole crush thing go now anyway...


Me: Probably. Haha.
Plus there are plenty of smart women in S________.  You just need to find them
Him: well the first smart girl i liked in S_________ was you, thats not embarrassing it just what happenned..
Me: Well thank you.
I think that I should probably get some sleep.  I just noticed the time. Yikes!
Him: keep in touch though, its been fun talking to you after so long
Me: Sure.  It was nice catching up!  Good night!

All I could think for a solid five minutes was, "That. Just. Happened."

This is probably one of the strangest things that has happened to me recently, and that is REALLY saying something.  I swear, the universe is turning me into one giant dating joke. Think about it: do you know anyone else that this stuff happens to?  I don't.  Guess I'm just (un)lucky that way?

* Names have been changed
Also, any time you see X________, I'm removing the name of a location

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